Selection - for Guanlan Biennial 2023
The opening of this biennial will be in the morning of Dec. 15, 2023. Guanlan forum will be held at December 30 and 31.
35. Italy Daniela Savini Albero (tree) Intaglio 49×35 2023
The opening of this biennial will be in the morning of Dec. 15, 2023. Guanlan forum will be held at December 30 and 31.
35. Italy Daniela Savini Albero (tree) Intaglio 49×35 2023
2nd International Printmaking Biennial "Mitrovica Print" Kosovo
Premiile Bienalei Internaționale de Gravură Contemporană „Iosif Iser” ed. a XV-a - 2023 / Awards of the "Iosif Iser" International Contemporary Engraving Biennale ed. XV - 2023
Premiul Consiliului Judeţean Prahova / Prize of the Prahova County Council
Savini Daniela (Italia)
Human landscape, dry point, 49,5x35 cm
Muzeul Judeţean de Artă Prahova „Ion Ionescu-Quintus“
Ploieşti, B-dul Independenţei nr. 1